Control: retitle -1 O: openmx -- nano-scale material simulations
Control: reassign -1 wnpp

Nobody of the Science Team cared to fix openmx's RC bug so the package was 
removed from testing 3 years ago.
I am orphaning it now. Please only consider adopting if you can afford the time 
to maintain the package.

Description: package for nano-scale material simulations
 OpenMX (Open source package for Material eXplorer) is a program package for
 nano-scale material simulations based on density functional theories (DFT),
 norm-conserving pseudopotentials and pseudo-atomic localized
 basis functions. Since the code is designed for the realization of
 large-scale ab initio calculations on parallel computers, it is anticipated
 that OpenMX can be a useful and powerful tool for nano-scale material sciences
 in a wide variety of systems such as biomaterials, carbon nanotubes, magnetic
 materials, and nanoscale conductors.

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