Package: smplayer
Version: 22.7.0~ds0-1 amd64
Severity: normal

Generally smplayer works fine with installed mpv 0.35.0-3 in Bookworm.
However there is one use case where I need a dirty hack to get it working:

Watching TV via dvb-c and importing the channels.conf (generated by w-scan).

When configuring smplayer via the GUI by
Options -> Settings -> TV and Radio -> Search channels on start-up
it does not find the working channels.conf in ~/.config/mpv/channels.conf.
I could not find any file/location where I could configure the search path 
Luckily the "mouse over" on this item displays a bubble help indicating
that it is looking for the channels.conf in ~/.mplayer directory.
This path should be updated to search both mpv's and mplayer's configuration 

So I created the not existing directory (mkdir ~/.mplayer) and set a symlink
         ln -s ~/.config/mpv/channels.conf ~/.mplayer/

That way smplayer lets me select channels and watch TV as expected.

In other configuration items there is no need and smplayer uses mpv as an 
to mplayer without any tricks.


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