Package: openssl
Version: 3.0.11-1

Recently "The Marvin Attack" aka Bleichenbacher timing attack has been in the news again:

CVE-2022-4304 was already fixed in all but buster:

But the page references an API level pull request upstream:

and there is also this corresponding issue:

The history on that issue is long and complicated and it's not clear to me if this has been fixed and if so on what releases? Maybe someone with more knowledge of this can make more sense of it?

If it hasn't been fixed this bug can track it.
If it has been fixed it would be nice to have something in changelog or NEWS mentioning it.

But separate from that, it would be good to move away from this old potentially hazardous method. Is there some way of determining what software in Debian might be using this (via openssl API) so those things could get fixed as well?

Not much can be done about non-Debian software running on Debian, but we want old software to continue to function (at least for a while, eventually some sort of logged warning might be nice).


Matt Taggart

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