Hi, this is just FYI.

Upcoming "IBus in a Plasma (Wayland) session" is interesting topic.

Since it may be related, let me quote interesting links from my previous post at

* Input Method Hub -- good overview
* Wayland and input methods -- wayland-protocol description
* Using Fcitx 5 on Wayland -- view by fcitx community
* about Input Method wayland protocols #2331 -- view by ibus maintainer
* New ideas using Wayland Input Methods -- view by QT people? August 3, 2023

Out of all these linked pages, the following table may be useful for resolving
this bug (I may be wrong):




On Fri, 2023-09-15 at 23:47 +0200, Gunnar Hjalmarsson wrote:
> Package: im-config
> Version: 0.57-2
> Severity: important
> If you use IBus in a Plasma (Wayland) session, the intention seems to be 
> that you apply an "IBus Wayland" virtual keyboard and let Wayland handle 
> everything internally. Otherwise the suggestion window does not show up, 
> for instance. OTOH, with the virtual keyboard enabled im-config should 
> better be disabled.
> In a Plasma (X11) session im-config keeps dealing with IBus as intended.
> Probably we should change im-config so it doesn't do anything in case of 
> a Plasma (Wayland) session. However, during my tests things get 
> extremely slow with that "IBus Wayland" virtual keyboard enabled, which 
> may be a bug or a "user error" from my side.
> In any case it's highly desirable that any changes are made in 
> consultation with somebody who actually uses IBus together with Plasma.

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