Control: tags -1 - moreinfo
Control: tags -1 + wontfix

This is about

I have made major update of debian-reference (DR) in 2012 and 2022 to address
this bug report concerns and non-free-firmware. I realized this old bug is still
around for my package.  Let me reassess this bug.

The title of this bug by "SirGrant" is misleading at least for the current DR. 
DR doesn't instruct *instruct* user to install non-free software.  DR only
provides  information on how to install non-free software.

Moreover, current DR explicitly mention in "2.1.6. Debian is 100% free software"

   Users should be aware of the risks of using packages in the non-free, 
   firmware and contrib areas:
   * lack of freedom for such software packages
   * lack of support from Debian on such software packages (Debian can't 
     support software properly without having access to its source code.)
   * contamination of your 100% free Debian system

So I think I am respectful for people not wishing to get close to non-free.

My message was a bit ambiguous in .

What I meant was I am happy to accept practical path for technical measures on
DR (not Debian Policy) which enable to keep quiet on even mentioning non-free in
DR as an optional build feature for particular distribution.  After 10+ years,
no productive proposal nor discussion has happened on this direction.

Also, in light of Debian CD including non-free-firmware these days, I think that
the level of *mention* in DR is appropriate.  So I can close this bug but for
avoiding future repeat of this discussion, I decided to keep this bug but with
changing this bug tag from moreinfo to wontfix.



PS: I am CCing people who participated on this bug.  I intentinally excluded
list address.

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