Le Tue, Nov 07, 2023 at 10:53:00AM +0100, Sebastian Ramacher a écrit :
> We do not care about new reverse dependencies.

Hi Sebastian,

I am sorry that the information that I sent appears to have wasted your
time.  I still think that it does have some relevance, but I probably
did not explain my thougts well, and I worry that you have no appetite
for reading a longer version.

By the way, I work in a multicultural environment where most people are
not native speakers of English and we take great care of not hurting
each other in our oral and written communications.  Nobody would ever
start an answer like you did, and I feel like saying that I am not used
any more to that kind of communication.  Hence the unease that you can
probably feel from my reply.

> We care about new dependencies of packages currently in the archive.
> So what's the status of new the dependencies?

The tools available to us to answer your question are quite inexistant.
Until now we would just wait for the release team's green light to
ensure that we do not disturb other transitions.  The previous one was
more painful than usual, but in our experience it is quite rare.  I wish
you would trust our word instead of requiring quantitative evidence.

One possible direction would be to leverage the work done by Dirk and
others in r2u, where the Bioc transition is over, and for each package
in Debian, look if the r2u equivalent has a dependency not in Debian.


Still, that is quite an extensive amount of work, only to ensure that
the risk of asking the FTP team to fast-track a package is lowered to a
minimum.  We have done such requests in the past, and the response was
usually cheerful so unless you received complains form the FTP team, may
I suggest that you might be worrying too much?  And again, we are not
under the impression that this transition will be as demanding as the
past one.

Please let me I ask again for your kind understanding and allow us to do
the transition despite not being able to tell you if and how much the
transition will require the processing of packages through the NEW

Have a nice day,


Charles Plessy                         Nagahama, Yomitan, Okinawa, Japan
Debian Med packaging team         http://www.debian.org/devel/debian-med
Tooting from work,               https://fediscience.org/@charles_plessy
Tooting from home,                 https://framapiaf.org/@charles_plessy

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