
I've just force pushed the PR[0] over at salsa, which:
- Rebased the patchset on current master.
- Also fixed a bug in the previous a36873c2, where the IFS= was not
  just wrong (it would have needed to be IFS=' ' but also ineffective,
  as it wouldn’t be used for the expansion of $*.
  The new solution works without messing around with IFS at all
- Added the new 212e0955 which is IMO particularly nice, as it properly
  escapes the command name and arguments in the annotated output (the
  Started … line), thereby allowing to properly reconstruct what has
  actually been done.

Would be nice if some devscripts developers could review & merge these.

I know it's a lot of commits, but in principle the tools should be in a
working state after each single commit,... so the reviewing could be
done one by one.
Also each commit is quite small and well documented (IMO ^^).



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