Control: tags -1 - patch + moreinfo

On Sun, Jan 21, 2024 at 06:37:35PM +0100, Sven Joachim wrote:
> I have not studied the details, but this looks rather dangerous to me.
> If you install the runtime dynamic linker in multilib packages below
> /usr, but keep the native one at its current place, you risk losing it
> when the multilib packages are removed.

Thank you for reviewing my patch.

> For instance, I have both libc6:i386 and libc6-i386:amd64 installed.  If
> the latter starts shipping /usr/lib/ rather than
> /lib/, the "Replaces" in libc6:i386 becomes ineffective,
> and we have basically a case of Dep17 P1.

I shall rework the patch and also exempt multilib rtlds from moving. I'm
sorry for not having realized this. I suspect that dumat would have
reported this problem.


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