On 2024-01-25 19:58, Jeremy Bícha wrote:
Thank you!

It can make review easier if you push new commits instead of force-pushing.
Sorry. I was doing so since the repo was not used anywhere.
Anyway new changes are pushed as new commits.

Please forward your bin/sh patch upstream. You can then add a
Forwarded: line to Debian's copy of the patch. This does not need to
be done before I sponsor your upload.
Shall do.

Please fix the below list of LIntian errors and warnings. You can
ignore other Lintian warnings here. You can get more explanation about
the issue by running a command like

lintian-explain-tags not-binnmuable-all-depends-any

For the copyright warning, use a Comment field like
It is a long line so I would use two lines but indent the second line
by a space like was done with the Copyright and License fields.

E: gnome-kiosk source: not-binnmuable-all-depends-any
gnome-kiosk-script-session -> gnome-kiosk
E: gnome-kiosk source: not-binnmuable-all-depends-any
gnome-kiosk-search-appliance -> gnome-kiosk
W: gnome-kiosk source: debhelper-but-no-misc-depends gnome-kiosk-script-session
W: gnome-kiosk source: debhelper-but-no-misc-depends
W: gnome-kiosk source: syntax-error-in-dep5-copyright Cannot parse
line 5: Copyright info was added into README here:

Please add a Lintian override for this one. There was a LIntian
override before you split the package:
W: gnome-kiosk-search-appliance: desktop-command-not-in-package
I don't see this lintian warning. Can you check if it still shows up?

Mohammed Sadiq

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