Package: amule
Version: 2.1.1-3


the current amule source package ships two patches to modify how the
configure process detects the version of the installed Crypto++ library.
There are two issues with these patches:

First, 01cryptostyle-acinclude is bogus, the change it applies to the
sed regex does not work. See, running this in a unstable system:

  # Original version
  % grep "Reference Manual" /usr/include/crypto++/cryptlib.h | sed 

  # New version
  % grep "Reference Manual" /usr$crypto_prefix/include/crypto++/cryptlib.h | 
sed 's/[[^0-9]]*\([[0-9]][[0-9.]]*\).*$/\1/'
  /*!     \mainpage Crypto++ Library 5.2.1 Reference Manual

Secondly, neither of 01cryptostyle-acinclude or 02cryptostyle-configurein
produce any effect on the package configure process, since they patch
acinclude.m4 and, but the autotools have not been rerun so
that these changes get included into the executed ./configure file.

I recommend that these two patches get removed from the source package.


Adeodato Simó                                     dato at
Debian Developer                                  adeodato at
                                 Listening to: Vitalic - Repair Machines

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