
I had the «same issue» upgrading from debian 11 to 12, package mailman3-web failed in postconf.

What I found was:

With a config /etc/mailman3/mailman-web.py with this in it :
# EMAILNAME = 'localhost.local'
EMAILNAME = 'lists.example.com'

In /var/cache/debconf/config.dat I get

Name: mailman3-web/emailname
Template: mailman3-web/emailname
Value: #localhost.local
Owners: mailman3-web, unknown
Flags: seen

And then mailman3-web.postinst crashes when it tries to get mailman3-web/emailname variable.

I changed my config deleting the commented line, but I think the real issue is with get_config_option() in mailman3-web.config

It also worked by changing the sed regex in mailman3-web.config :
=>  s/^\s*$option\s*=\s*'\(.*\)'\s*$/\1/

Or by using python to get the config variable:
=> python3 -c "from importlib.machinery import SourceFileLoader;mail=SourceFileLoader('mailman-web','/etc/mailman3/mailman-web.py').load_module();print(mail.${option});"

Thanks for your work.

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