Hi Dima,

* Dima Kogan <dko...@debian.org> [2024-03-21 07:23]:
My feeling is that being confused by that symlink is a bug, but I didn't read #998084 in great detail, so maybe I'm missing some nuance. So let's make this work.
My understanding is that /usr/include/pythonX.Y as Python header directory will be made available from inside a venv if you use the system interpreter (which venv does by default). Now, the system NumPy headers will leak into the venv, regardless of the NumPy package that is actually installed there, causing conflicts.

Proposal: if pkg-config files will be added in the near future, can we wait until those are available before removing the symlink? Or, can you backport them into the current package?
Backporting sounds like a reasonable approach. If that does not work as expected, I'll restore the symlink.

But if something was confused by the symlink, would it also be confused by the .pc file?
Very good question. I suspect the answer is yes, but there is a pull request that would make it work as expected [1].

[1] https://github.com/pypa/virtualenv/issues/2637

Currently the Makefile launches Python and imports sysconfig, which is relatively fast. As we can see, importing numpy also, is MUCH slower. All I want is the include path; I shouldn't need to initialize all of numpy to do that.
I understand and I would not want to do that either.


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