Control: tags -1 + help pending

On Sun, 2024-02-18 at 19:48 +0000, wrote:
> It does that if incus-agent-setup is in the image. This was an image
> without incus-agent-setup, just your incus-agent package.

  The incus-agent package does include incus-agent-setup, which is
called from the service file's ExecStartPre stanza.

  I have synced up the packaged service file and setup script from the
current Incus release. It looks like some refactoring was done to move
from a systemd-triggered service to a udev rule-triggered start.
Hopefully that will resolve the issue you've been seeing.

> If the intention isn't to use the incus-agent package inside VMs, this
> should be declared more clearly.

  It was my intention that the incus-agent package should be usable
inside VMs. I appreciate the report that it wasn't.

> Use a bare image without incus-agent-setup to reproduce the bug.

  I have been unable to reproduce this myself. I've tried to do so a
variety of ways, but I'm guessing with my hardware/setup I'm just not
triggering the race condition in the same way.

  I've pushed commit a15849186e1c1945985f5bfd872ba4ce98eb3461 with the
incus-agent changes. It will be included with the Incus 0.7 upload,
hopefully sometime Monday. When the new version is available, I'd
appreciate if you could test to see if the changes in packaging for 0.7
resolve your issue.


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