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On Sun, 29 Jan 2023 14:23:01 +0000 Mcgiwer <> wrote:
Package: Bash
Version: any
Affect's following OS: Debian / Ubuntu / AntiX


I wanted to report unintended bad behaviour of Bash that cause problems with 
usage of it.

-   no possibility to neither unset, nor remove the readonly bit from the read 
only variables
-   changes of value on some variables aren't beeing set or are sillently 
-   there seem be a issue with output redirection (it isn't always working). 
Example: I run a command that should output into a file, but instead of thay, 
it output's to stdout.

Hi, you already filed bug 1010103 for the third issue.

Could you please provide runnable commands that show the other two issues, including what results you expect?


Gioele Barabucci

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