Source: python-sqlalchemy-utils
Version: 0.41.0-2
Severity: normal

Six usage has been removed before.

tchet@brix /tmp/python-sqlalchemy-utils $ grep six -r
CHANGES.rst:- Remove the dependency on the six package. (#605)
debian/control: python3-six,
debian/control: python3-six,

Package uses a bit of unittest.mock
& also flexmock.

tchet@brix /tmp/python-sqlalchemy-utils $ grep mock -r | grep -e debian -e 
debian/control: python3-flexmock,
debian/control: python3-mock,
sqlalchemy_utils/functions/ .mock import create_mock_engine, 
mock_engine  # noqa
sqlalchemy_utils/functions/ .mock import create_mock_engine
tests/primitives/ flexmock import flexmock
tests/ flexmock import flexmock
tests/ flexmock import flexmock
tests/types/ flexmock import flexmock
tests/types/ flexmock import flexmock
tests/types/ unittest.mock as mock


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