Pierre Ynard dixit:

>version into the Debian archive, as seen in #1067708. To quote Thorsten
>from that thread:
>> Very much *not* a fan of NMUs doing large changes such as
>> new upstream versions.
>I can't say why exactly he would not be a fan, but with hindsight that
>was an interesting call.

It turned out to indeed be related, although I cannot blame Sebastian
for not spotting it, as well as it was hidden. I actually wrote about
that earlier on Fedi: (Markdown formatting lost here though)

| I was considering replying to this comment on the “please update xz
| package” bugreport earlier with that the discussion is not irrelevant
| and that it’s the maintainer’s responsibility on new upgrades to check
| for new legal issues and “other hidden gems”.
| I didn’t because I didn’t want to bother going in with an annoyed
| self-righteous “user”.
| Now it turns out all three of the involved ones were “string + number
| @ freemailer” #JiaT75 sockpuppets, so it’s probably okay I didn’t
| bother.
| Not that I blame Sebastian — it was very well hidden, and even my
| usual diffing between old and new version would not have found it.
| I do take away from this to also check the diff between VCS repo at
| the time of the release and release tarball. Perhaps also between
| branch and tag if they, like Apache Tomcat, introduce extra commits
| there.

>Is xz-utils going to be maintained? Will we want to keep in the archive
>an unmaintained low-level library - low-level as in, susceptible of
>getting pulled as a dependency in lots of places - and rely on it for
>components such as dpkg?

That scenario you describing here would actually be much less of a
problem. The problem comes when the library in that state then does
get updates that probably are not even necessary but shiny enough
people demand them.

//mirabilos (also a Debian Developer, despite the From)
When he found out that the m68k port was in a pretty bad shape, he did
not, like many before him, shrug and move on; instead, he took it upon
himself to start compiling things, just so he could compile his shell.
How's that for dedication. -- Wouter, about my Debian/m68k revival

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