* José Luis González <bugs....@gmail.com> [240407 15:00]:
> reopen 1068479
> thanks
> Hi all,
> Rene Engelhard seems to be a worse case even than Ricardo Mones. Take a
> look at my recent bug reports to libreoffice-writer and his replies.
> In this one:
> > Am 06.04.24 um 11:03 schrieb Rene Engelhard:
> > > Am 06.04.24 um 00:34 schrieb José Luis González:
> > >> The setting for spacing between paragraphs is missing in the spacing
> > >> and indentation tab of the paragraph dialog.
> > >
> > > ?
> > >
> > >  It's definitely there. Format -> Paragraph has spacing "after/before".
> I meant spacing between paragraphs, not spacing after and before
> paragraphs. The report was crystal clear.
> The difference, for those who didn't realize is space after paragraph
> happens always, and between only between them, being the regular
> separation between paragraphs (the other is formatting, and isn't
> useful as a substitute because it adds something undesirable at the end
> of the document or between paragraphs and other kinds of block
> elements).

First, please carefully consider the reply from Pierre-Elliott Bécue.
The tone of your email is way out of line.  If this is the way you
regularly communicate, I would not be surprised that Rene closes your
bug reports.

It is clear to me from your quote of Rene's response that Rene honestly
believed he was answering your question and the bug should be closed.
Politely expressing the difference between the current behavior and what
you were asking for, and at the same time reopening the bug (at a proper
severity), would have been appropriate.  It should have been done in the
bug tracker and _not_ on this list.  I've set Reply-To to the bug report

I don't use libreoffice daily, but I do use it.  If this is a case that
lowriter already has a way to obtain "between" spacing, but it is just
not in the proper dialog box, then this is a "normal" bug at most,
possibly "minor".  However, I don't believe lowriter ever had such a
feature.  If this is the case, the severity is "wishlist", and not
higher.  (If it does have this feature, I would personally be interested
in how to do it!)

In no way would I consider this an "important" bug, and absolutely not
"serious" or RC.

All missing or not-yet-implemented features might be considered to have
a "major effect on usability" by someone, but in almost all cases, such
a feature request is still only a "wishlist" bug.  Please don't confuse
the difference between how you would like the software to behave and how
it is currently designed to behave as being anything more than a feature
request, regardless of how important you believe the feature is.


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