On 20/04/2024 21:28, Paul Gevers wrote:

On 20-04-2024 3:22 p.m., Lucas Nussbaum wrote:
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
  sbuild-build-depends-main-dummy : Depends: libreoffice-draw-nogui but it is not installable
E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.
apt-get failed.

I recall rene mentioning that parts of lo are expected to not work on armel due to java being broken. Probably the best way forward is to request binary removal on armel.


Hi Paul,

Thanks for commenting.  Despite spitting out
   "Warning: failed to launch javaldx - java may not function correctly"

I gather soffice does not actually use Java, for pdf creation.
I hope to fix this by changing the build dependencies.


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