Package: gnulib
Severity: wishlist

I don't know how to implement this, so I'll describe it pending for
inspiration or someone else to come along who wants to work on this.

Let's say we are in a situation were Debian packages Build-Depends on
the gnulib package as the source for gnulib related source code.  I've
implemented this for libntlm [1], but it could be done for any package
that uses gnulib.  That approach would reduce the need to audit vendored
gnulib code from upstream tarballs.  Most packages today (e.g.,
coreutils, tar, gzip inetutils) just vendor all gnulib files into to the
tarball.  So this wishlist is more relevant in a future reality where
Build-Depends on gnulib is a more widespread solution.

If there is a security bug in gnulib code, it would make sense to
manually patch that the gnulib package, and then automatically rebuild
all the dependent packages to get the fix released.  Rather than
manually patch all packages that has vendored gnulib code in them and
release those.

The GNULIB_REVISION or --gnulib-refdir mechanism used by gnulib does not
support this way of working: the git commit to use comes from the
package (e.g., libntlm) via GNULIB_REVISION in bootstrap.conf or through
a git submodule that pins the gnulib commit.  So patching code in the
Debian gnulib package doesn't alter the code that's in the gnulib git
commit tree used.

Some mechanism that let packages pin the gnulib git commit to use AND
then let the Debian gnulib package be able to patch the resulting gnulib
code seems to be needed.

Possibly we can implement rules via the new
/usr/share/gnulib/ dpkg makefile snippet.  Then all
packages that rely on gnulib would have to include that and invoke the
hook, in order to allow the gnulib Debian package to provide a patched
gnulib source code, before the package is building it.



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