Hi Hugh,

> This isn't a bug with freetype or libpng1.6. The problem is that
> you've mixed packages from two different distributions during a large
> and very complex transition.
> Why are you installing packages from unstable (sid) on your testing
> system? As you've seen, that is a guaranteed way to cause breakage.

You're right: my installation looks like a "Franken Debian" mixing packages 
from testing and unstable repositories.
I'm using unstable because I needed to install VirtualBox and Firefox from 
unstable repositories (not available in testing).
> You need to remove the libpng packages from your system and then
> install the packages from testing. Then you will be able to install
> libfreetype-dev.

I solved my issue by removing unstable repository and packages installed from 
it. I replaced the installation for Firefox with official Mozilla repository 
and VirtualBox with "Fast Track" repo.

You can close this bug.

Thanks, Laurent

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