Package: rust-abscissa-derive
Version: 0.7.0-1
Severity: serious

rust-synstructure was recently updated to version 0.13.1

I tried bumping the dependency but that caused failures due to
mismatched versions of syn. Bumping the dependency on syn as well
resulted in.

error[E0432]: unresolved import `syn::NestedMeta`
 --> src/
5 | use syn::{DeriveInput, Lit, Meta, MetaList, MetaNameValue, NestedMeta};
  |                                                            ^^^^^^^^^^ no 
`NestedMeta` in the root

error[E0615]: attempted to take value of method `path` on type `&Attribute`
  --> src/
56 |             if !attr.path.is_ident("component") {
   |                      ^^^^ method, not a field
help: use parentheses to call the method
56 |             if !attr.path().is_ident("component") {
   |                          ++

error[E0599]: no method named `parse_meta` found for reference `&Attribute` in 
the current scope
  --> src/
60 |             match attr.parse_meta().expect("error parsing meta") {
   |                        ^^^^^^^^^^ help: there is a method with a similar 
name: `parse_nested_meta`

error[E0026]: struct `MetaList` does not have a field named `nested`
  --> src/
61 |                 Meta::List(MetaList { nested, .. }) => {
   |                                       ^^^^^^ struct `MetaList` does not 
have this field

error[E0026]: struct `MetaNameValue` does not have a field named `lit`
   --> src/
135 |                 lit: Lit::Str(lit_str),
    |                 ^^^ struct `MetaNameValue` does not have this field

Some errors have detailed explanations: E0026, E0432, E0599, E0615.

Since rust-abscissa-derive has no reverse dependencies I did not investigate 

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