On 4/28/24 6:18 PM, Gioele Barabucci wrote:
On 28/04/24 22:50, Chet Ramey wrote:
On 4/28/24 3:07 PM, Gioele Barabucci wrote:

     $ su -l $USER -s /bin/bash-static -c 'echo $BASH; readlink /proc/$$/exe; head -1z /proc/$$/cmdline; echo'

So argv[0] == "-bash-static", which causes $0 to be set to -bash-static
and internally sets shell_name to "bash-static" and login_shell to 1
(which notes that bash was executed with argv[0][0] == '-').

Then when you get to setting $BASH, this code gets executed:

   if ((login_shell == 1) && RELPATH(shell_name))
       if (current_user.shell == 0)
         get_current_user_info ();
       name = savestring (current_user.shell);

which has been the way bash has behaved since the bash-1.x days. Is
this enough of an issue to change behavior that dates back that far?

The bash manual defines $BASH as follows:

Expands to the full filename used to invoke this instance of bash.
So, either the code or the manual should be changed.

I see why changing such an old behavior for the sake of correctness may not be worth the risk of breaking somebody's workflow. But at the same time it is hard to believe that anybody may be relying on "$BASH contains the user shell set up in /etc/passwd when read from a login shell".

I think the original intent of this code -- it was a very long time ago --
was that a login shell either came from login/getty/xterm or su. If it came
from su, the name in argv[0] was either "-su" (the traditional behavior of
`su -'/`su -l') or the user's login shell. The Linux-specific business of
specifying the shell to use didn't come along until much later. Non-Linux
systems still put "su"/"-su" in argv[0].

In that light, it's easy to see what's happening. You want to change "-su"
to something reasonable, and the user's login shell is what su always uses.
If it's already the login shell, no loss.

I think we can fix this Linux issue by checking for and changing "-su"/"su"
to the login shell and letting other pathnames through.

``The lyf so short, the craft so long to lerne.'' - Chaucer
                 ``Ars longa, vita brevis'' - Hippocrates
Chet Ramey, UTech, CWRU    c...@case.edu    http://tiswww.cwru.edu/~chet/

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