Hello Robin,

Sorry, for my delay in replying. I was on vacation in Montréal.

Yes, org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.Tab seems to be causing a
`java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Argument cannot be null'. This
error might be the reason Azureus won't start with java-gcj-compat
1.0.56-2, but I'm not certain of that.

I just tested Azureus with cacao 0.96-1 and classpath 2:0.91-3, and it
works! Wonderful news. Thanks for pointing this out. I would guess
that it's not so much cacao that makes it work, but the fact that
cacao uses classpath, whereas java-gcj-compat uses libgcj7, and
classpath must be more up-to-date than libgcj7.

Is there a package that provides a `java' alternative using the GIJ VM
and the classpath library? This configuration would be ideal, in my


On 6/14/06, Robin Putters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi there,

I noticed you are trying to get Azureus working with 100% free tools,
and having problems with the 'tab'-traceback.

I've built Azureus on debian, using the ECJ compiler, and ran it using
Cacao vm.

You might want to try that.

Otherwise, feel free to send me the source debian package, and I'll have
a look at it (don't know much about debian packages, other than
dpkg-buildpackage stuff, but I still will try to have a go at it :))


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