On Wed, Nov 01, 2006, Thijs Kinkhorst wrote:
> Wouldn't it be possible to add a (presumably simple) patch to Evolution
> that on startup does something like (if account has type IMAPv4, set it
> to IMAP, done). That would solve it transparantly for the user.

 Something approaching was done for the "merged gconf" change.  Zenity
 was used during GNOME login to propose an update to the GConf prefs.  A
 similar hooks would be possible by simply writing a shell snippet doing
 this, and hooking it in Xsession.d.

 This requires careful testing, some minimal protections so that it is
 possible to disable this easily, and to avoid this from slowing down
 login after the update.

 A big problem is prompting, which requires translations.

> If this is not possible, at least a note should be made in NEWS.Debian.

 This is the classical "fix" which should be used.  I suppose this is
 not as good as fixing it automatically, but it involves less coding,
 less testing, and is "safer".

 Perhaps providing the shell snippet to do the upgrade, or an
 explanation on how to hook it out / hook it in would be a nice thing
 for admins of large systems or isolated desktop users.


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