On Sat, 2006-11-04 at 11:01 +0000, Mark Purcell wrote:
> Ian,
> I see you have committed 0.8 to svn.debian.org
> Etch is going to be frozen very shortly (days I believe) and will ship with 
> the 2.6.18 kernel which needs 0.8. Final release of etch is supposed to be 
> around 45 days after final freeze.. (Early December)
> http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2006/11/msg00000.html
> Are you happy for me to upload 0.8 to unstable?

Definitely. I meant to ask the other day but got distracted.


Ian Campbell

Landru! Guide us!
                -- A Beta 3-oid, "The Return of the Archons", stardate 3157.4

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