On Thu, Nov 09, 2006 at 04:14:43AM -0800, Steve Langasek wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 09, 2006 at 10:49:53AM +0100, Lionel Elie Mamane wrote:
>> This code:

>>     if dpkg --compare-versions "$2" lt-nl 1.21-3 ; then
>>             mv /etc/chrony/chrony.keys."$2" /etc/chrony/chrony.keys
>>             mv /etc/chrony/chrony.conf."$2" /etc/chrony/chrony.conf
>>         fi

>> in the postinst makes the postinst not idempotent, and makes my chrony
>> fail to configure:

> Idempotency is not a release-critical requirement per se.


> Can you comment on why this code failed for you at all?

I'm not sure. The code assumes that when upgrading from version
earlier than 1.21-3, you *must* have a
/etc/chrony/chrony.keys.${OLD_VERSION} file. I've never noticed any
file with that name on my systems from woody times up to now, but I
may just not have seen them. Maybe these are files that an older
version *may* have left behind but does not necessarily leave behind?
Which would give a different reason than idem-potency for this to be a

I actually doubt that *all* past versions left such files, but maybe
all since sarge and maintainer made a conscious decision not to
support earlier-than-sarge upgrades (which we don't support in

>  Did the postinst script in fact run twice, and fail with a
> *different* problem the first time through?

I don't know. I didn't touch that machine in some weeks, and now
aptitude told me:
 dpkg was interrupted, please run dpkg --configure -a
I did that, many packages got configured, and configuration of chrony
failed. Maybe I had left an earlier upgrade session in a "screen"
session, forgot about it and then rebooted the machine at a later
time, interrupting dpkg brutally. Or I had an upgrade session in a SSH
session which died, which SIGHUP-killed the running dpkg. Yes, that
looks like a plausible scenario.

> The only lines after this in the postinst are:

> ucf --sum-file /usr/share/chrony/chrony.conf.md5sum 
> /etc/chrony/chrony.conf.new /etc/chrony/chrony.conf

Complementing the above scenario, it is plausible that dpkg/ucf would
have been interrupted when ucf was waiting for my input (changes in
config files, what shall be done? package version / your version /
merge / show differences / ...). On non-critical and slow machines
(such as this one), I often start an upgrade, leave it running and
come back a few hours/days later to find dpkg/ucf/debconf waiting for
my input.

In this scenario, the root cause of the failure is indeed the lack of
idem-potency in itself.

> rm /etc/chrony/chrony.conf.new

> invoke-rc.d chrony start

> Idempotency is only an issue if one of these lines fails, since
> otherwise the postinst will complete successfully the first time and
> never again be called with the same arguments.  Thus I think
> identifying the underlying failure on your system is at least as
> important as making the mv commands more robust.

I replaced the lines as in my suggestion, reran "dpkg --configure
--pending", and configuration succeeded, with ucf asking me a
question, which is compatible with above scenario, but also with the
files not existing in the first place.


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