On Tue, 2006-11-14 at 00:14 +1100, Steffen Joeris wrote:
> Hi
> > Greetings,
> >
> > The 915resolution manual is outdated: doesn't talk about the [htotal]
> > [vtotal] parameters and does not explain what are they and how to use
> > them.
> Please specify what and how you would like to have the things added into the 
> README and feel free to provide a patch :)

Well, that's the big issue there! I instaled this package in order to
get my Intel 915 to do a resolution of 1400, and I did exactly what
README.Debian tells. It doesn't work, because while 915resolution -l now
shows the new modes, xorg does not recognize them, and in xorg's log it
says "Mode: 5c (0x0)" which is preety weird. The log is here, if you
want to give a look:
Now, I thought that maybe the documentation in README.Debian was
outdated, or this version of 915resolution would only make another
version of xorg work (I don't have the latest xorg on testing
installed). Since I was offline et al., I decided to know if I had to so
something different in 915resolution. I read the manual (man
915resolution) but 915resolution --help tells me there are two arguments
(htotal and vtotal) that I don't know how to use or what they do since
they are undocumented. So, for starts, I would like to have the man page
tell me about those args! Now, if I knew all that stuff I would gladly
provide a patch, but I don't really know what those arguments are
supposed to do... Maybe you could give me some enlightment?

Marcos Marado <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sonaecom ISP
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