Here's an example log (obtained while running dibbler with the '-f -d'
options, and redirecting output to a file with tee). If I trace the
traffic using tcpdump I see three DHCPv6 solicit messages being sent and
no reply. 


| Dibbler - a portable DHCPv6, version 0.4.2 (SERVER, Linux port)

| Authors : Tomasz Mrugalski<thomson(at)>,Marek

| Licence : GNU GPL v2 or later. Developed at Gdansk University of

| Homepage:

06:53:57 Notice    My pid (1040) is stored in

06:53:57 Notice    Detected iface sit0/4, MAC=00:00:00:00.

06:53:57 Notice    Detected iface eth1/3, MAC=00:0c:29:7c:66:e8.

06:53:57 Notice    Detected iface eth0/2, MAC=00:0c:29:7c:66:de.

06:53:57 Notice    Detected iface lo/1, MAC=00:00:00:00:00:00.

06:53:57 Notice    Parsing /etc/dibbler/server.conf config file...

06:53:57 Info      Interface eth1/3 configuration has been loaded.

06:53:57 Notice    Running in stateful mode.

06:53:57 Info      My duid is 00:01:00:00:45:04:63:97:00:0c:29:ba:68:67.

06:53:57 Notice    Creating multicast (ff02::1:2) socket on eth1/3
(eth1/3) interface.

06:53:57 Notice    Accepting connections. Next event in 4294967295

06:58:36 Warning   Option type 8 invalid. Option ignored.

06:58:36 Notice    Received SOLICIT on eth1/3,TransID=0x3c9869, 3 opts:
2 3 6, 0 relay(s).

06:58:36 Warning   Invalid message received.

06:58:36 Notice    Accepting connections. Next event in 4294967295

06:58:37 Warning   Option type 8 invalid. Option ignored.

06:58:37 Notice    Received SOLICIT on eth1/3,TransID=0x3c9869, 3 opts:
2 3 6, 0 relay(s).

06:58:37 Warning   Invalid message received.

06:58:37 Notice    Accepting connections. Next event in 4294967295

06:58:39 Warning   Option type 8 invalid. Option ignored.

06:58:39 Notice    Received SOLICIT on eth1/3,TransID=0x3c9869, 3 opts:
2 3 6, 0 relay(s).

06:58:39 Warning   Invalid message received.

06:58:39 Notice    Accepting connections. Next event in 4294967295

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