I've started work on this package.

Status so far (release 1.1.0-0jp2):
- Web servlet installs and works under tomcat 5.5 on one machine, but
has trouble finding the lucene class files on another
- .jar-files in upstream source are replaced with .jars in
/usr/share/java (from existing Debian packages)
- builds with pbuilder
- one lintian warning left

Still to do:
- install replication scripts
- move solr configuration and schema files to /etc/solr
- install minimal set of configuration files (instead of those from the
demo installation)
- better check all copyright notices
- look into providing a separate demo installation, or supply the demo
files under /usr/share/doc/solr

Package repository: http://www.vanbest.org/debian/
SVN repository (read-only): http://svn.vanbest.org/svn/solr
Websvn: http://svn.vanbest.org/websvn/listing.php?repname=solr


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