Hi, all.

  I want to take over the package which has already removed from
unstable, tex-guy[1].  This was orphaned last year[2], but there
was no enough time to take over it at that time.  I have already
prepared new revision.  What should I do?  Only what I should do
is uploading new package?


[1]  http://packages.qa.debian.org/t/tex-guy/news/20071211T214235Z.html
[2]  http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=393925

  OHURA Makoto: [EMAIL PROTECTED](Debian Project)
                [EMAIL PROTECTED](LILO/Netfort)
  GnuPG public key: http://www.netfort.gr.jp/~ohura/gpg.asc.txt
        fingerprint: 54F6 D1B1 2EE1 81CD 65E3  A1D3 EEA2 EFA2 77DC E083

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