[Eric Van Buggenhaut]
> My mouse works perfectly both in console and under X with 1.19.6-12
> but when I upgrade to 1.19.6-19, I can't move the pointer under
> X. Still it works perfectly in console and the pointer appears in X.

This is puzzling.  Just to confirm: in /etc/X11/XF86Config-4, in the
InputDevice section for "Configured Mouse" or similar - are you using
these settings?

        Option "Device" "/dev/gpmdata"
        Option "Protocol" "Intellimouse"

If not, please report what you *are* using there.

The other thing to check, if possible - did gpm 1.19.6-19 pick up your
/etc/gpm.conf settings and write them back correctly?  It should have.
But if you happen to know that your gpm.conf has changed as part of the
upgrade, it would be good to get some details on that.


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