On Wed, Mar 05, 2008 at 10:56 +0100, Gábor Braun wrote:
> Package: texlive-latex-recommended
> Version: 2007-13
> Severity: normal
> Tags: patch
> Running latex on the minimal input file produces pdf output instead of the 
> expected dvi.
> The problem is with ucshyper.sty, which incorrectly passes the
> option pdftex to hyperref.
> Patch:
> I see no reason why ucshyper should require pdftex.
> Neither do I see any reason for passing a driver option to hyperref, since 
> hyperref has its own sophisticated mechanism to figure out a correct driver.

Hmm, ucs in general and ucshyper.sty in particular is currently
unmaintained. This makes it difficult to check whether or not your
patch does the right thing. However, AFAIK hyperref's Unicode support
has improved quite a bit since ucshyper.sty was written. Is ucshyper
still necessary? If yes, in which circumstances? In my simple tests I
was able to produce bookmarks in PDF without using ucshyper at all
(both with pdflatex and latex+dvips+ps2pdf).


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