On jeu, 2008-03-13 at 11:27 +1100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I should clarify something.
> Before I said a window appeared briefly on the screen where I'd asked
> xfce4-panel to place panel2. This was the xfce4-panel configuration
> tool
> window - it jumped from display 0 to the target (display 1) and _then_
> exited/crashed. I didn't see a panel appear on the requested screen,
> at
> all. In terms of the $DISPLAY variable, the panel configuration tool
> jumped from display :0.0 to :0.1.

Yeah, I understood. Iirc, you can't move an application from a $DISPLAY
to another, so that may be the problem. But what is puzzling me is the
fact that xfce4-panel still displays something when there's only head
available by $DISPLAY.

I'll investigate a bit more, but don't hold your breath. xinerama has
been replaced by XrandR stuff, and non-xinerama dual head is kind of
dead anyway.

I'll try to reproduce on a stable box with vesa and report back.

Stay tuned,

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