On Sat, Mar 29, 2008 at 12:04:39AM +0100, Arthur de Jong wrote:
> tags 472872 + pending
> thanks
> First of all to reply to your earlier mail, reporting bugs is fine for
> me and makes it easy to track.
> On Thu, 2008-03-27 at 10:24 +1100, Alex Samad wrote:
> > Seems like libnss-ldapd checks for object class by reading a
> > ldapobject in and then checking the objectclass attribute for a
> > specific record. On my ldap setup I do not allow for objectclass to be
> > read by any user, you can search.  This causes this error to appear in
> > my syslog numerious times.
> >
> > The code is in 
> > myldap_has_objectclass in myldap.c
> The reason that nss-ldapd does a lookup for the objectClass for each
> user entry is to not return a password information if it is of type
> shadowAccount (it tries to return it with shadow instead).
yep understood that.
> In any case exposing password hashes through NSS is a bad idea and not
> really needed for anything with pam_ldap.
> Anyway, I've removed the warning message in svn and it shouldn't fill up
> your logs with the next release. (the warning message did not really add
> much to the functionality)
> > I would presume a change to doing a ldapsearch and tresting for a
> > positive result would be the solution (and I presume this is a lot
> > more expensive than checking the attributes array)
> That would be a solution but not something I would want to implement. If
> it were some sort of search already I could add it but since this is an
> attribute lookup like any other.
shouldn't be that hard to do, from my limit knowledge of looking at the
code, I guess at that point you already have the dn, it should be a simple as
search for (&(dn=<cached dn>)(objectclass=<value you are looking for>)),
if you get back 1 object (or more ??) then true else false
> By the way, is there any specific reason why you don't want to allow
> lookups of objectClass of any entries?
gives you access to which groups are available, for example you could
find out all the different group names that are available

> -- 
> -- arthur - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://people.debian.org/~adejong --

"I have said that the sanction regime is like Swiss cheese -- that meant that 
they weren't very effective."

        - George W. Bush
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