tags 464553 + moreinfo unreproducible

On 13/03/08 at 13:51 +0100, Cyril Brulebois wrote:
> On 13/03/2008, Lucas Nussbaum wrote:
> > Actually, I can't reproduce it: The emails I receive contain stuff. By
> > empty, do you mean "totally empty"? Could you copy one of those mails
> > (headers included) to this bug log?
> Yes. Yes, here it comes.
> > The MailDocument() function in /usr/bin/websec sends the mail. If the
> > other headers in the mail are correct, could you modify it so that you
> > display the value of $content?
> Yes. Using the following:
> 600         $req->content($content);
> 601 
> 602         print "\$content: [", $content, "]\n";
> 603 
> 604         $ua = new LWP::UserAgent;
> Output:
> | Sending highlighted page to [EMAIL PROTECTED] ...
> | $content: []
> Checking for $content not being empty might do, before:
> 590     foreach $email (@recipients) {
> Cheers,

From our IRC debugging session, we found out that tempfile() didn't
create the temporary file.

End of our IRC log:
03/13/08 14:08:46< lucas> tu peux rajouter des print autour de la ligne 87 ?
03/13/08 14:17:37< lucas> KiBi: ^
03/13/08 14:23:27< KiBi> wiwi, pardon de taffer.
03/13/08 14:24:42< KiBi> lucas: base: /home/kibi/.websec
03/13/08 14:24:42< KiBi> archive: /home/kibi/.websec/archive
03/13/08 14:24:42< KiBi> page_current: /home/kibi/.websec/N8HBYjNDrB.html
03/13/08 14:27:46< lucas> et après l'appel à tempfile(), le fichier n'existe 
03/13/08 14:28:55< KiBi> lucas: En effet, non.
03/13/08 14:36:02< lucas> le fichier temporaire est supposé etre viré 
automatiquement à la fin de l'exec. je changerais bien UNLINK=>1 par UNLINK=>0 
r voir
03/13/08 14:36:24< lucas> fin bon, ca peut attendre :)

Could you test with UNLINK=>0?
| Lucas Nussbaum
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.lucas-nussbaum.net/ |
| jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]             GPG: 1024D/023B3F4F |

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