reassign 474630 python-support

OoO Peu  avant le  début de  l'après-midi du mardi  15 avril  2008, vers
13:18, Matthias Klose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> disait:

> this is not a bug in python-twisted-core; it is known that the
> installation of modules/plugins in two different directories in
> sys.path breaks things.  python-nevow must install in the same
> location as python-twisted-core.

I don't really  see the relation between the new  behavior of twisted of
not searching plugins in directories containing and the fact
that multiple modules providing plugins may break things.

Moreover,  your   proposed  fix  will  just  break   more  things  since
python-support will add file into the target directory.

I could fix this bug easily in python-nevow by removing this
file  in  postinst.  However,  Sam   seems  to  report  a  more  general
problem. Fixing it in python-nevow won't solve it.

If we  don't fix it  in twisted, we  could fix it in  python-support.  I
don't really  understand why python-support adds files. The
code says  that otherwise, python will  not take care  of package inside
those directories. I  don't find a case where a package  is shipped as a
package without

Josselin,   any  hint   on  this   problem?   I  assign   this  bug   to
python-support.  If  you  don't  agree,  feel free  to  reassign  it  to
python-nevow, I know how to fix it for python-nevow.

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