Hi all,

please have a look at http://git.madduck.net/v/code/libfactory++.git
or http://git.madduck.net/v/code/libfactory%2b%2b.git.

I narrowed this down to the first line of CGI.pm's path_info sub:

  my ($self,$info) = self_or_default(@_);

but then my perl-foo wouldn't take me further.

gitweb works fine if I turn off pathinfo, but when it's turned on,
it cannot deal with two ++ in the name of projects.

The bug seems to be in CGI.pm, and I now wonder what to do about it.

Please keep the bug address <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> in Cc.

martin | http://madduck.net/ | http://two.sentenc.es/
"the association on this web site and in peter chappell
 publications, articles and books, made between remedy and diseases
 is used for clarity, but is not the functional reality and does not
 imply these resonances treat any disease. they merely vitalise and
 inform the self healing system."
                                                   -- peter chappell
spamtraps: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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