On dom, 2008-04-20 at 15:23 +0200, gregor herrmann wrote:
> > So you can repackage the upstream tarball and remove those jarfiles and
> > make it DFSG-Free.
> I'm not sure this is really necessary, the problem is not that the
> jars are not free but that they are used by the build system. All we
> would gain is a decrease in size of the .orig.tar.gz.

Yes, you're right, it's not necessary. But just in case you decide to
remove the lib/ dir, you already have the solution to the jarbundle
target issue.

> > * 06proposed_upstream_fix_ruleNestingLevel: Upstream still uses antlr3
> > beta, the debian version is the stable one, this patch allows using the
> > debian version. I've not tested extensively, but it works for me :).
> Integrated as 05_antlr.dpatch; that was my "old" name but your patch
> is much better than my first attempt!
> I've reorganized my svn repository a bit, so that 2.3 is in trunk
> again, and the new 2.4-beta is in branches/2.4:
> http://svn.toastfreeware.priv.at/debian/jabref/trunk
> http://svn.toastfreeware.priv.at/debian/jabref/branches/2.4

Great! :)

I'd like to see the package in main, looks like the only problem left
now is with libpdfbox-java in contrib.

Thanks for your good work!

> Thanks again for your help!
> Cheers,
> gregor
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