I demand that Juha Jäykkä may or may not have written...

> Hi!
> Your claim that the assertion failure only happens with "pulseaudio
> --system", run as root does not seem to be true.

It was, given that at the time I'd not noticed the existence of the
pulse-access group.

> It happens even without any pulseaudio process running on the system!

That I find a little difficult to believe (from what I remember of testing
this), but no matter...

> I also believe that the jack plugin has absolutely nothing to do with this
> (in the original submission it was just tried unsuccessfully before
> pulseaudio). I have built the beast now --without-pulseaudio --with-jackd
> --with-arts and everything looks ok, so the decision made at some point
> (Source-Version: 1.1.8-3, date Mon, 26 Nov 2007 00:17:07 +0000) to remove
> the jack support was probably an error and jack can be built again.

1.1.12? If so, you should rebuild it with --with-pulseaudio and re-test, and
also report back on the jack plugin. Both of those plugins have seen changes
in 1.1.12-1, and both are built.

| Darren Salt    | linux or ds at              | nr. Ashington, | Toon
| RISC OS, Linux | youmustbejoking,demon,co,uk | Northumberland | Army
|   Let's keep the pound sterling

Rotten wood cannot be carved - Confucius (Analects, Book 5, Ch. 9)

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