On Sun, 20 Apr 2008 15:41:44 +0200
Frans Pop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Friday 18 April 2008, Daniel Dickinson wrote:
> > Comments/Problems:
> > Detecting the RAID controller takes 4 minutes an initially reports
> > that there is no hard drive (syslog shows the countdown, once it's
> > done, redoing the module select allows d-i to find the drives).
> Can't really comment on this. If you have any suggestions how to fix
> this without some long general timeout, we'd appreciate it.
> > I used LVM on Crypto (but not on software RAID).  I had to
> > backtrack to 20080412-2 because 20080416-2 doesn't have the udebs
> > for crypto (and reports the appropriate error message when you try
> > to use it).
> Known issue. Should be fixed with new images. There have been build
> issues the past few days, but those should be solved tomorrow.
> > The base install step failed because apt-cdrom is missing so the
> > installation of packages after the cdrom is supposed to scan and
> > package lists updated fails.  I was able to get around this by
> > editing /usr/lib/base-installer/library.sh apt_update() to copy a
> > working apt configuration for a network mirror and then do apt-get
> > update as usual.
> I don't see how apt-cdrom can be missing. It is included with the
> basic apt package. Can you please describe the actual symptoms and
> specific errors? Note that apt-cdrom is always run in the /target
> chroot and not in the D-I environment itself.

Hmmm...I didn't realize that it was in /target.  I'm not sure exactly
then, but in the syslog the cdrom is not found (scanned) and without
the trickery I mentioned the base install fails, which according to the
syslog is because apt can't find the packages (which makes sense since
it has no sources of packages at that point).

I can't be more specific because I the systems I installed are now in

Beside the syslog the other clue the cdrom isn't being scanned is that
the prompt for a successful scan and do you want another never comes up.


And that's my crabbing done for the day.  Got it out of the way early, 
now I have the rest of the afternoon to sniff fragrant tea-roses or 
strangle cute bunnies or something.   -- Michael Devore
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