Le dimanche 04 mai 2008 à 12:13 +0100, martin f krafft a écrit :
> also sprach Josselin Mouette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008.05.03.1039 +0100]:
> > When the module is loaded, all symbols from libpython2.x are available
> > to functions inside the module, so this should not be a problem to
> > simply remove the -lpython2.x in the final link line.
> Yeah, I misjudged. This is the issue: while jppy starts fine by
> itself, the jpilot jppy plugin fails to load. When I start jpilot,
> I get told:
>   Open failed on plugin [/usr/lib/jpilot/plugins/libjppy.so]
>   error [/usr/lib/jpilot/plugins/libjppy.so: undefined symbol: 
> PyExc_ImportError]
> I am pretty much at a loss what is causing this and would appreciate
> if any of you could fill me in. Otherwise I don't see a way how
> I could continue to maintain jppy for Debian.

The jpilot plugin itself (in jppy-jpilot-plugins) needs to depend on
libpython, because it has to embed the interpreter. However the python
module (in python-jppy) should not, because it is loaded by the
interpreter itself (even when embedded in jpilot).

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