On 7/8/08, Matthias Klose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  thanks for the update. Looking at the blas package, I see that the
>  cblas library is included in libblas3.  So it looks like the numpy
>  check is wrong, testing for a package name, and not for a
>  feature. This seems to explain why it did work in etch, and this
>  should be fixed in python-numpy.

Hi Ondrej, Hi Matthias. Removing the two lines in numpy/core/setup.py indeed
seems to do the trick. Feel free to test the attached patch, generated
against the python-numpy source package in sid. On my system it
generates a numpy package with a _dotblas.so file correctly linked to
lapack libs. If ATLAS is then installed, the ATLAS libraries are used
Ondrej: if the patch works, would you report it upstream?

have a nice day!

Attachment: atlas.patch
Description: Binary data

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