also sprach Kel Modderman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008.07.09.1451 +0200]:
> > I've been happy for years with the ath_pci driver and madwifi
> > backend. When I try the wext backend, the driver cannot make an
> > association, wavemon keeps showing an empty ESSID, and the invalid
> > network ID counter keeps counting upwards. If I revert to the
> > madwifi private backend, it works fine.
> Did you agree with the discussion put forward in referenced thread and 
> #487585?

I think the removal was premature, even though it's the right thing
to do. Putting people like myself out in the rain is not really very
nice, not even with Debian unstable.

Anyway, I did get it working on another AP. Unfortunately coming
from "it always works" to "it works on some APs" is a long step

> I think I am correct in saying that Matthew would prefer to debug
> WEXT/scanning related problems than reintroduce and depend on the
> legacy crap.

I'll see what I can do. Unfortunately, usually, when I use Wifi,
it's because I am elsewhere without much time at my hands.

> > PS: I went a bit berserk after seeing that the latest
> > wpasupplicant in sid has UNRELEASED in the changelog.
> I am sorry about that, but I do not have the rights in Debian to
> tag releases, and only caught that error after it had been
> dispatched by the uploader.

Who was the uploader?

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: :'  :  proud Debian developer, author, administrator, and user
`. `'` -
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems
it has been said that there are only two businesses
that refer to customers as users:
illegal drug trade and the computer industry.

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