On Sun, 2008-11-02 at 23:08 +0100, Jelle de Jong wrote:
> $ whereis gnome-www-browser
> gnome-www-browser:
> $ whereis x-www-browser
> x-www-browser: /usr/bin/x-www-browser /usr/share/man/man1/x-www-browser.1.gz
> $ x-www-browser
> ... iceweasel is started
> So how does it checks for gnome ... or how can i force it not to check
> for gnome...?
> I still got the issue.
> If you can get it fixed upstream i will sent you some dutch stroopwafels :-p

(Resending to [EMAIL PROTECTED] as I screwed up the cc)

Hi again,

From reading your bug report again, it seems I was wrong. 

You have iceweasel-gnome-support installed, which should register itself
as gnome-www-browser, but doesn't. 

It seems this part of the package was dropped when it was turned into a
dummy package to drag in xulrunner-1.9-gnome-support (it still
advertises this with a Provides though).

So this should either be added back to iceweasel-gnome-support, or
solved in some other way.

I'm cc'ing Eric Dorland who maintains these packages. Let's see if you
can tempt him with your offer of stroopwafels :)

Sven Arvidsson
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