I have the same issue on version 3.22 and it related to the
get_keycode_state() function.

Keyocde state is "0" when I type manually but "128" when I paste the same
The thing is the Mod5() constant from X11::Protocol::Constants which is 128.

Here is the part of the code where it sets "state=128" and creates the whole

 505 SWITCH: for ($state) {
 506     /^n$/ && do {
 507       $state = 0;
 508       last SWITCH;
 509     };
 510     /^s$/ && do {
 511       $state = Shift();
 512       last SWITCH;
 513     };
 514     /^a$/ && do {
* 515       $state = Mod5();*
 516       last SWITCH;
 517     };
 518     /^sa$/ && do {
* 519       $state = Shift() + Mod5();*
 520       last SWITCH;
 521     };

I patched it to remove the Mod5() call and now I can paste perfectly.
This is probably not the best solution but it works for me.

 505 SWITCH: for ($state) {
 506     /^n$/ && do {
 507       $state = 0;
 508       last SWITCH;
 509     };
 510     /^s$/ && do {
 511       $state = Shift();
 512       last SWITCH;
 513     };
 514     /^a$/ && do {
* 515       $state = 0;*
 516       last SWITCH;
 517     };
 518     /^sa$/ && do {
* 519       $state = Shift();*
 520       last SWITCH;
 521     };

"Judge me by my size, do you? And well you should not"
Master Yoda

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