The wiki might be editable, but the type reference page is surely generated from the code descriptions (exec.rb:310).


Nigel Kersten wrote:
On Sun, Apr 19, 2009 at 11:30 PM, Jayen Ashar <> wrote:
thank you for the clarification.  then i this bug is a documentation
ambiguity.  i thought the doc was saying puppet creates this file, and so it
would be useful if you wanted to execute something exactly once on every
machine in your puppet pool.

The reductivelabs wiki is open to anyone to edit who registers with an
account. If you have a clarification to make Jayen, I'm sure the rest
of the community would appreciate it?

Tim Stoop wrote:
I'm not a maintainer, but thought I'd help here anyway:

Op 20-apr-2009, om 6:26 heeft Jayen Ashar het volgende geschreven:
 exec {
   "mail -s \"kB available on /: `df / | tail
-n 1 | sed -r 's/ +/    /g' | cut -f4` - `hostname`\"":
     path => ["/bin", "/sbin", "/usr/bin", "/usr/sbin"],
     creates => "/var/tmp/partition_usage_20090420";

does not create /var/tmp/partition_usage_20090420 as advertised and
executes the command every time puppet runs
Correct, like the manual says: "A file that *this*command* creates."[0]
(emphasis added by me). You'll need to make sure that the command you
execute creates the file. For example by adding "&& touch
/var/tmp/partition_usage_20090420" at the end of the command.


--Kind regards,
Met vriendelijke groet,

Tim Stoop

Jayen Ashar
Technical Officer
Computing Center
School of Mathematics and Statistics
M029, Red Center
The University of New South Wales SYDNEY NSW 2052
Ph: + 61 (2) 93857016
Fax: + 61 (2) 93857192
CRICOS provider code: 00098G

Pkg-puppet-devel mailing list

Jayen Ashar     
Technical Officer       
Computing Center
School of Mathematics and Statistics
M029, Red Center
The University of New South Wales SYDNEY NSW 2052
Ph: + 61 (2) 93857016
Fax: + 61 (2) 93857192
CRICOS provider code: 00098G

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