
I've tested building documentation with tg2 and pylons, and've got
other errors :)


Exception occurred:  1%] advanced_pylons/creating_paste_templates               
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.5/jinja2/", line 357, in parse
    raise e
TemplateSyntaxError: expected token 'lparen', got 'block_end'
  File "/home/dottedmag/z/Pylons/pylons/docs/en/_templates/layout.html", line 7
    {%- macro relbar %}

  File "/home/dottedmag/z/2.0/docs/", line 15, in <module>
    from tg.release import version as tg_release_version
ImportError: No module named tg.release

The errors are the same for both 0.6.x and trunk.

Please contact tg2/pylons developers, as it looks like the problems with
docs itself.


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