On Lun 01 Jun 2009 00:20:39 Armin Berres escribió:
> > Anyhow, something IS depending on kicker in unstable because
> > aptitude install kde fails, its jsut not kdebase :P
> This will install "kde" from stable. The meta-package called kde is
> gone. These days you have e.g. kde-minimal and kde-full.

For the sake of completeness, you may want to read:


Regards, Lisandro.

Background: talking about Nokia's aquisition of Trolltech.
<mukidohime> That's why there's the FreeQt agreement, a poison pill against
             just that sort of thing.
<MoDaX> mukidohime: agreements can be broken
<mukidohime> MoDaX: Yes, with a massive lawsuit following soon after.
<mukidohime> If Nokia pulled something like that, aseigo would entirely pull
             some sort of dragonball Z-esque maneuver, and it would probably
             be visible from the ISS.

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer

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