On 09/06/04 17:06 +0200, Andrea Bolognani said ...
> On Thu, 04 Jun 2009 18:01:15 +0530
> Y Giridhar Appaji Nag <app...@debian.org> wrote:
> > However, if I browse workspaces while I am in screen1, the window in screen2
> > that is in focus doesn't appear in the list of windows being shown in 
> > screen1
> > and viceversa.  Browsing via MOD+<Left> / MOD+<Right>.
> I'm really sorry, but I don't understand what you're saying here. Would you
> kindly rephrase this part of the bug report?

When I cycle through the workspaces using ws_next or ws_prev on screen1, the
workspace on screen2 remains as is.

> > Also, if I am in screen1 and I type MOD+<N> to go to the Nth workspace 
> > (which
> > is in screen2), the workspace moves to screen1.  This is confusing because 
> > it
> > doesn't give the feeling of leaving windows where they are present 
> > currently.
> In scrotwm, there is a single set of workspaces shared between all monitors,
> and each workspace can be displayed on a single monitor at a time.

Indeed.  Is it not possible to span one workspace across both the monitors?

> So, if you are on 1:3 and 2:2, focusing screen 1, and you move to the 2nd
> workspace, the contents of the monitors are swapped, resulting in 1:2 and 2:3.

Yes, I understand this.

> This is, as far as I can tell, the intended behaviour and, while kinda
> confusing, totally consistent.

You are right, it is consistent.  I think we can leave this bug as a wishlist
for an option to span one workspace across multiple monitors.

> > (In addition to this the window with focus in the Nth workspace changes).
> I haven't played much with scrotwm on a dual-head setup, so I can't confirm
> this, but sounds like a bug.


Y Giridhar Appaji Nag | http://people.debian.org/~appaji/

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