tags 435818 patch


Here is a patch to use gnupg-agent to store the passphrase in order to
only enter once your passphrase during a session.

- it checks if the GPG_AGENT_INFO variable is defined.
- if so, it means gpg-agent is or was running, so we can try to use it.
- if gpg-agent is not running, gpg will ask the passphrase as usual.
- If gpg-agent is running, it will ask the passphrase the first time
with pinentry. Next time you use reportbug in the same session the
passphrase won't be asked.

Carl Chenet

> Please consider using SSH agent for PGP signing of mails since typing
> passphrases is a hassle.

Attachment: 0001-support-for-gnupg-agent.patch
Description: application/mbox

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